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Partial replacement of track base on 'Oakbank Victoria',

my outdoor railway.

The track base was 18mm ply which had been in use for 6 or 7 years.  I had unwisely used an own brand of preservative which, though reasonable, didn't last well.  The ply was beginning to separate and became very uneven.  I have replaced the bad sections and used 3 coats of Berratine which is oil based and soaks in nicely.  That was followed by 3 coats of Ronseal outdoor matt varnish.  (I will add more to the edges).

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View of the old and uneven base

The new base before treatment

The new base after (treatment) with new track

Another replaced section plus a new family member!

A different view


The supporting beams are also added


The exit/entrance to the station (Oakbank Victoria)

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